Monday, January 26, 2009

It Just Hit!!

It just kind of hit me the other day -- I am training for a half marathon! I have plans to run 13 miles in April. AND APRIL IS NOT THAT FAR AWAY!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! It almost boggles my mind that I even believe that this is something that I can do.

But I will put in the time and work and if it kills me I will do all I can to run the entire 13 miles!!!

It seems that a lot of the things we do in life just take convincing ourselves that we can do them. I watch high schoolers everyday look at other FFA members and what they can accomplish and never imagine that they could be "those" kids, but I know they could. So why should I look at myself any differently?

Well I refuse to think, "I can't" and am going to reach this goal!!!

Set one for yourself!!! Run for 1 min, try for 2 next time. Eventually that person that couldn't run 10 yards will be running 10 miles!!!!

Lots of Love!!!

1 comment:

  1. You Can Do It! I didn't realize you were doing one in April-which one?

    I'll try to start getting better about getting to the gym-I don't think I'll be ready in April, but I will go so you have somebody to cheer for you!
    Wooop Woop!
