Wednesday, March 4, 2009

We will be Butterflies!

Hello Ladies-
Well it is almost officially spring! Daylight Savings returns Sunday (don't forget to spring forward) and spring starts in two weeks!

With that comes more time outside, gardening, bbq, tans, and races!

I know I have been slouching the past week with my running/diet/blogging/everything. I have the blahs. And I think when we work so hard at something, it is hard to get frustrated to not see the immediate results we wish for.

I want to lose weight (so I can run faster mostly) and I am slowly trodding down the street. So I get a little jealous when some of my pals are trucking along at a 9 mile a minute pace.

It's easy to give up, and it's sure hard to keep going. But things don't happen overnight. The thing that makes it so difficult is the lack of/desire for patience.

We've all trudged through winter, the snow, cold, ice, and sniffles. Sweaters, sweats, dark days, cold nights. And we've waited, watched, and even prayed for even a taste of springtime. Tomorrow is going to be wonderful!

We didn't just give up and stomp our foot saying "Pooey-I don't care if it's ever spring!"

We knew, if we waited, eventually it would arrive.

Well ladies-no matter how frustrated you are at times with your workout-if you just keep with it, eventually YOU will arrive too! More easily or quickly for sure. But before you know it, you'll be running that 9 minute mile and remembering how long you looked forward to it!

We've all been or are there-so don't be discouraged! It's spring! Here is a quote to end this note-and also the artwork for our fabulous WOW Shirts- which will be available to order soon! Thanks to Sarah Coats, WOW gal for her awesome design and working hard to capture what we envisioned!

Quote-"How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."-Trina Paulus

1 comment:

  1. I love the design!
    I am going to be out of town this weekend, and then I'm going to be in Haiti for the following two weekends, but after that, I can't wait to get out and run with the group! :)
