Chalk it up to too many snow days, but I've been watching more tv/movies than I usually do. It's really tough when you're sitting on the couch in a snuggie to think about getting up and moving. Then there is that daunting event several months and one whole season away-the 1/2 Marathon in the back, very back of your mind.
A lot of what we do as people and athletes involves creating a plan. Through each of these movies I have been watching, the characters always make a plan of some sort. My daughter, Caroline, recognized this yesterday while we watched a movie. They always know where they are going. And at some point, they recognize that they had what they needed all along, much like Glenda the Good Witch points out to Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.
Many runners give accolades and credit not only to the accomplishment of the final event, but each run that lead up to reaching that goal. They visualized success not in the final event, but the steps they took, sometimes seemingly small, to getting there. I've posted races on Facebook up through August. Whatever your plan for the year is, enjoy each step to getting there, and remember YOU HAVE IT-just visualize and believe in yourself!
A reminder in this slippery and cold weather, run safely!
Hope to see you on the road or at the Community Center soon!
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